Our Values

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As we begin this adventure of building and confirming community, it is important to recognize our most vital asset: our faith. Flowing from that faith comes a set of values which will help us speak in a unified voice.  This does not mean, of course, that we will always agree. These values are created in anticipation of that, in fact. They will guide us in the decisions we make — not only what we publish but how we publish them.  

Our Values        

  1. We strive to follow the example of Jesus Christ.     
  2. We believe in the holiness of a unified Church. We also believe, like Christ, the Church must be challenged when its own authority is prioritized over the authority of the Holy Spirit.
  3. We take seriously Christ’s message to make peace, stand up for the oppressed, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the prisoner and heal the sick.  
  4. We value and seek the opinion of others.  
  5. We will not share our message with language that is derisive, sarcastic, undignified.  
  6. We value faith over assuredness.

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  1. Dick Brummel said

    First of all, thanks for taking this task on. I agree 110% of the crying local need (especially in the Catholic community) for this resource.

    I cannot think of what would need to be added to these Values. #5 (no derisive, sarcastic or undignified language) is very important (and actually safeguards the other values particularly #6).

    If you find (after vetting me with Mike Humphrey) I can add to Vision cmte, I am open to that. An essay or two may be in the offing for me as well. I’ll comment separately on the “Case”.


    Dick B.

  2. george jakobe said

    I think is a great site andit will continue to unite and give the peace and justice people a way of staying in touch.

  3. Ken Gates said

    Looks good. I’m excited about the opportunity that being created by this effort. Congrats to those are spearheading this. I write quite a bit and probably can contribute.

  4. Anna Foote said

    I think this kind of communication is a lovely way to “make peace”, as Christ would have us do. In a forum that is respectful (see value #5), a diverse range of peacemakers will flourish and sustain one another.

    Value #6 especially resonates with me, as I hope it does with the community. For in saying that we value faith over assuredness, we say we believe God knows more than we do, that we are here to do God’s work, not our own.

  5. Hi and greetings from Meriden–good web site, needed very much. Just noted a new definition (for me) of Justice: Fulfilling the demands of relationships. Keep me informed and will try to contact your site regularly. Sanctuary much!

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